12.3 Design Options

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Alternate design options in Revit are accommodated by FenestraPro where various iterations of the model may be shown in a project.  The current primary option will be used for analysis.  Different designs may temporarily be made Primary to facilitate this.  When an alternate design option is chosen, FenestraPro should be closed and re-opened.  Solar Loads should be calculated again in the Building Manager for the current model condition to be analyzed.

Note: If you have any Mass model in the project, this may need to be adjusted as this may also get Surfaces with the combined Energy Mode that recent Revit versions now use (Revit 2023 and 2024).  You may need to remove mass floor settings in Revit for any Concept model that is present or delete it from the project (you can save a copy of the project if required).

Design options – analyze one iteration of the design
Design options – analyze a second iteration of the design

Note: You will need to close FenestraPro and relaunch to initiate the updated Energy Model.   Use the Start Over option as a new Energy Model is required.  Please go through the onboarding process again and recalculate Solar Loads in the Building Manager  to view results for any variant.

Note: Surface numbering and quantities of Surfaces may change when comparing various iterations of the model.


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