Can Custom Codes or Groups be shared with colleagues?

2 minutesread

Yes, FenestraPro saves your Building Codes in the FenestraPro folder which is on your local machine. This file may be copied and pasted into a colleagues folder on their machine if they also have a subscription to the application. First the colleague’s FenestraPro application should be closed out. Any existing file with Codes in their local folder should be cut and pasted to another location if it is to be restored later.

The sent file may be pasted into the FenestraPro folder and when the application is started, this will be used with the Codes that were created.

The path to the FenestraPro folder is usually on the C: drive and is found under Windows (C:) > Users > Your Name > App Data > Local > FenestraPro

The file will be named CustomStandards.db. Care should be taken not to delete the file from your own machine as this may cause the application to display an error as it will be referencing this file. The file may be copied and pasted to another location or emailed to a colleague etc.

Other files in this location store the results of analysis to date, log files of progress, error messages, Custom Groups and Glazing Specifications that have been created etc. Likewise, these may be shared with colleagues if information is to be common.


2 minutesread

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