Quick Start – Conceptual Mass

4 minutesread

Conceptual Mass models

1. The Concept window will open.  Click on this window and a message will display asking you to select the object for analysis (there may be several separate mass objects in the project, you can analyze one at a time).

2.  Select the mass object that you wish to analyze.

3. The Building Manager will open automatically if the model has not been analyzed before. There will be no results yet.

4. Use the options to define project settings (Terrain type, Location, Building Use, Occupancy Hours etc).  If there are significant shading effects from surrounding objects, self shading from other parts of the model etc, turn on Calculate Shading Factors before getting results (this will take longer).  Then click on Calculate Solar Data to get results.

5. When this is complete, close the Building Manager.  Some results should start to appear on the Dashboard.  Don’t worry if all results do not show at first (you may not yet have applied any glazing percentage to the model).

6. The Performance Manager should display in the main window (there is a tab for Performance or Facades).  Here you may apply a Glazing Percentage to the model to get started. Glazing zones will then appear on the model and results for Glazing, Solar Loads and Daylight will appear on the Dashboard.

7. You may also see a list of possible suggested Energy Codes in the dropdown list (depending on your region).

You may also create an Energy Code with target values for your project elements (Roofs, Floors, Walls, Glazing).  Click on the pencil icon to create a Code in your online account area (you may need to sign into your online account the first time).

8.  Once this is done, you may import a created Code into the application using the Refresh icon.

9. Once a Code is created or selected, these target values will be compared to the intended thermal properties of elements to indicate compliance or non-compliance. The Performance Manager will indicate if thermal properties need to be improved to reach Code requirements. You may use the checkmark icon beside the codes dropdown list to make all element categories comply with these minimum target Code values.

10. You may open the Charts using the arrow beside the Dashboard.  This will help to see what results relate to which Facade/Surface.

11.  Click on the vertical blue bar on the left hand side to open the Facade Navigator. Here you may make selections of areas on the model to get results for these areas only. 

12. Once you have made selections, controls will appear under the Facades tab to adjust Glazing Percentages, Glass Types, generate Shade Canopies and simulate Fritting. Use the icons provided to make adjustments to settings and use the Recalculate button after each change to update the results.

13.  Reports may be saved anytime using the camera icon provided. You may choose to save a spreadsheet format to your desktop or HTML format to your account area.

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