6.2.1 Facade Navigator

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The Façade Navigator will expand when you hover over the vertical blue bar on the left of the window.  The panel may be pinned by clicking on the pin icon on the top right which will prevent the panel collapsing.

Pin the Facade Navigator if required to prevent collapsing

The project is arranged into Facades (an orientation on a plane) and Surfaces (smaller areas depending on floor levels and internal divisions).  Once you select your first Façade or Surface, the Surfaces will highlight on the model in Revit and a new interface will become available in the Façade Manager.  Defining settings here, will apply only to the selected Surfaces/Facades.  Alternatively, all Facades/Surfaces may be selected  by clicking on the Select All button.  Settings will then apply to all areas of the model.

The Facade Navigator may also be undocked and moved outside the main window by dragging the header (where it says ‘Groups & Filters’). You may then drag the corner handle (at the lower right corner) to stretch the list panel if needed.

‘Select All’ in the Façade Navigator
When all Surfaces are selected, settings in the Facade Manager apply to all areas 
When no Surfaces are selected, settings are applied to the entire model

The Facade Navigator panel also provides controls for Groups and Filters, Selection of Facades and Surfaces, Expand All/ Collapse All, Show or Hide details and Select All/ Deselect All.   The list of Facades and Surfaces may be sorted by several categories by using the down arrow beside Groups and Filters.  Groups are covered in Section 7.7 below.

The Groups function may be opened here


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