12.0.2 Add detailed elements to a Mass model

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When to use this option?

  • When moving from schematic stage to detailed design stage
  • When you would like to use more features such as Add Windows, Add Curtain Walls, Setting Glazing Specifications from the Glass Database, Creating custom glass configurations, if Curtain Panels are intended to have separate materials (you need to use the Glazing Tool to set separate material properties)
  • If your detailed model is complex and does not generate an Energy Model in Revit, you may remodel as a simpler project this way to analyze with FenestraPro.

Using a Conceptual Mass model, add detailed enclosure elements such as roofs, walls and floors by face’ (floors, roofs, walls) using mass surface geometry.

Set element functions as required (external/internal).  The Ground Floor should have ‘external’ function while internal floors may be ‘internal’.  It may be necessary to create separate family types with  separate functions.

Note: certain visual styles and settings in Revit may make it difficult to select surfaces for creating solid elements.  Please review ‘Show Mass Surface Type‘ settings and any overrides to graphical styles if required.  Also ensure that Worksets are editable to add new elements.  Note: recent Revit versions may have disabled or removed some display types for Conceptual models.

Assign analytical properties to elements using ‘Edit Type’

Slab elements (Roofs/Floors/Walls) may be further defined by your preferred families

Internal Walls may be added later if required to define internal spaces

Note: When adding detailed elements, the model created must be fully enclosed with detailed elements (detailed roofs, detailed floors, detailed walls) to analyze.  For example, a curtain system alone cannot be added to a mass model and then the model analyzed.  You must complete the enclosure with detailed roof and floor elements etc. Only one model type may be analyzed at any one time (Conceptual Mass or Detailed).  Parts of a conceptual model cannot be mixed with detailed elements for analysis.

You may add detailed elements to a Mass Model in Revit
Worksets may be used to turn on/off elements such as the Enclosure or Mass etc

Once detailed elements have been added to create a detailed model with an enclosure, you may analyze this using the Detailed Tool in FenestraPro.

The Conceptual Mass is still present in the project but may be hidden if required.

The Conceptual Mass may be turned off/hidden to leave only the detailed elements (Roofs, Floors, Walls by Face) and the enclosure in the View


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