A manual Refresh button is included on the Dashboard for Detailed models. This will allow multiple changes to be made to the model without automatic recalculation of the results each time. When you have completed all modifications or changed glazing properties etc, you may then click the Refresh button to update the results.
Note: Using the Refresh button updates element properties and results. It may also create a new Energy Model in Revit if required (the model geometry has changed. There is also a Recalculate button available under the Project Details button in the Detailed Tool. If you do not think that the results have updated after modifying the model geometry, this will make sure that a new energy model is generated and new Solar Loads are calculated for the current model condition.
The Refresh button may not operate if Revit’s Type Properties dialogue window is left open. Please close this window first before using Refresh.
Note: It is recommended that if significant alterations are to be made to the model, that FenestraPro is closed out, modifications are made and FenestraPro is opened again once the model has been modified and prepared for analysis. For example., If glazing elements are resized in Revit, you may need to use the Recalculate button under Project Details or relaunch the application (a simple Dashboard Refresh may not update the results).
Certain modifications to the model such as adding/deleting new glazed areas or changing element functions from Internal to External may require relaunching of FenestraPro since new surfaces will be created which will generate Solar Loads.
For Conceptual Mass models, there is no manual Refresh button. An auto-refresh function is built into the application for Conceptual Models. For modifications to specific Surfaces, you may need to use the Recalculate button to update the results (eg. changing the glazing percentage, adding a canopy, adding fritting, simulating surrounding buildings etc).
If major changes are made to the model, you may need to open the Building Manager to recalculate the Solar Loads. In some cases, you might need to close FenestraPro and relaunch it to generate a new Energy Analytical Model in Revit.
Note: The User Interface for Conceptual Mass Models currently does not display a Refresh button (version 7.0).