5.1.1 Settings

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You may set various criteria in the Building Manager.

Terrain Type and Building Use/Occupancy settings, will affect the Heat Gain results.  The Location Setting will affect the Daylighting results.

  1. Terrain Type – Choose between Open, Depression, Sea/Lake, City, South Incline, West/East incline, Valley, South Valley Side, West/East Valley Side or Summit.
  2. Building Use – Choose the Type which most closely matches the project.  Each type will have occupancy hours related to it but these may be overridden and modified by clicking into the dropdown lists.
  3. Location Setting – this will affect the maintenance factor for Daylighting (Urban =0.92, Suburban/Rural = 0.96).  This relates to typically how clean the glass is in this location.
  4. Building Occupancy Pattern – these are defined by the Building Use but may be overridden.  This will affect the average result.  If the specified range is over a shorter period during the day, the Heat Gain results will be higher.
  5. Days in Use – days that the building is occupied.
  6. Months in Use * – months or dates during which the building is occupied. One single date may be selected or a range of dates.
  7. Calculate Shading Factors – if there is significant self-shading or shading from surrounding objects
  8. Calculate Solar Data – this will populate the orientations for the model.

* Note:  Currently dates need to be selected within the same year rather than spanning across two or more years.  Dates outside the current year are not sent for solar radiation results. It is possible to get two separate ranges of dates within the same year by getting results for one set of dates and then another set of results for a second set of dates and so on. Snapshots may then be saved for each range of dates.

The Detailed Tool has similar settings in the Building Manager (it does not have a setting for Building use but you may still adjust the occupancy hours).


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