Select Elements in the model

3 minutesread

Select an Element

When applying a new Glass Type to this element, the new glass type is applied to that glazing family universally (wherever an instance is present in the Revit model).  This is the typical method in Revit.  Updating an element’s properties will update all instances of that element in the model also (you will not get an option to create a separate family only for this Surface).

If you wish only a Glass Type to be applied to an area of the model eg. office zone/retail area etc, you may make a duplicate type for that element family in Revit, for use only in that area.


  1. Select the Glazed Element on the Revit model and open the Glass Database tab.
  2. Choose a Glass Type from the list and using the Apply arrow, substitute this for the current type.
  3.  Sometimes, a restart of Revit may be required to display a new Glass Type and update the element’s properties and for the Dashboard to update. A message will advise if a restart is required.

You may update several different element families and restart Revit when all are complete (Revit does not need to be relaunched each time).  Once Revit is reloaded, all changes will be updated at the same time.

There are several options to select elements on the model.

a.  On the Revit model, select a glazing element such as a Window or Curtain Wall Panel (be sure to select a panel and not the curtain wall itself).  The Surface will not highlight in the application but you may still use the Glass Database to assign a Glass Type to this family. A confirmation message will display. This element family will update (all instances in the model). If you only wish to change one single element, you may make another family type in Revit for this element only. When this is updated, only this element will then be changed.

Select elements from the model (all instances of this family will change)

b. You may use the Tab key on the keyboard to select a Curtain Panel on the Revit model.

Use the Tab key to select a Window or Curtain Panel on the model 

c. The Project Browser in Revit may also be used to select a Window or Curtain Panel Type in use in the model.

Once an element is selected, you may use the Glass Database to assign a Glass Type (all family instances will be updated).

Select elements using the Project Browser in Revit


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