5.2.2 Mass Shading Devices

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Detailed Models

Mass Shading devices (such as vertical fins or horizontal canopies) may be added to Detailed Models.  This may be a quick way to test results as the shade is adjusted.  These objects will affect the Solar results when they are placed adjacent to windows or curtain walls.

FenestraPro should be closed before you add a mass object such as a simulated shading device, since a new Energy Model will need to be created each time the model is modified. When FenestraPro is opened again, the Solar Loads should be recalculated in the Building Manager with Calculate Shading Factors checked.  The results on the Dashboard and Charts will be different compared to the model without any shading objects included.  If you find that the results are not updating on the Dashboard, please close the application and relaunch the Add-in.  You can also check the shade effect in Detailed models using the Shading Animation Viewer.

Mass Shading Canopies will affect the results for Solar Loads and Daylighting
Mass Canopy shading effects viewed in the Shading Animation Viewer
Mass Fins will affect Heat Gain only

Conceptual Models

Shade canopies can also be added from the application controls to a Conceptual model.  Vertical fins need to be modeled separately in Conceptual models.

Mass Canopies may be added automatically from the application

Note: Vertical Fins modeled as mass objects on a Mass Model will currently NOT affect the Daylighting results.  Changing the the depth of the shade devices will effect the Heat Gain results.


The same principle may be used to create trees or external objects that will create shade effects and change the results.

Mass objects may be used as trees (modeled as cone shapes) in both Concept and Detailed models.  These will affect the results also by reducing Heat Gain and Daylight values.

In the example below, no other factors on the model have been adjusted (glazed area, glazing type or fritting etc).


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