Assign Glass

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This will flag if any glazing does not have analytical properties assigned and will also assign a default glass type temporarily in order to get results (which may be later swapped out for another). Results will not display for Surfaces where glazing elements do not have properties.

Glazing families in Revit which do not have properties, will be listed in the Model Check area during onboarding of your model and hovering over or clicking on these items will display them on the model in the Viewer.

Note: Glazing elements to be fixed must have analytical properties defined using the Schematic method in Revit (not ‘User Defined’ or ‘Building Type’) under Type Properties. Under the Analytical Properties area, you may set ‘Define Thermal Properties by‘ one of 3 options.

When this is set to Schematic, Revit’s list of construction types is available. Revit has a default list of construction types for glazing but FenestraPro will add to this (to give more options) when it is installed. If either of the other two options are used, this list will not be available as they allow users to enter custom values or use default values. To ensure that the glass types can be swapped out for other types, please check that this setting uses the Schematic method (you will need to check this for each window and curtain panel type used on the model, if you are not sure). If you have created the model yourself or are familiar with it, or maybe have already set analytical properties, you can ignore this.

When you use the Assign Glass function, there is also a reminder message in the dialog window. You may also check the current properties in Revit by selecting the glazing family in the list, (it will highlight in green) and you may use the Type Properties link provided to open the properties in Revit. Note: The Type Properties link may not function in Revit 2024 (this is being investigated).

Fixing the Glazing Families

Glazing Families without properties will appear in the dialog window when you click on Assign Glass. You may also use the eye symbol to highlight the items on the model.

You may choose to Fix Selected items (single items, one at a time) or Fix All. This will apply a default Glass Type from Revit  (Double Glazed Domestic SHGC=0.39, VLT=0.59, U-value=3.1292 metric / 0.55 imperial U-value).

When this is complete you may click on Done and the dialog window will close and the warnings will disappear for these elements. A message will display to advise if there are remaining items to be fixed. You may close this message and reopen the Assign Glass window or try to fix these in Revit (it will remain available). There may be instances where some elements cannot be assigned a glass type. This may be due to how the Revit family was created (nested elements) or some elements displaying which are not windows or curtain panels but have some glazed material or transparency (eg. light fittings etc). You may need to revisit these elements in Revit and modify or delete if required.

Once the default glass has been applied, the items will turn green in the list if they have been fixed. In some cases, it may not be possible to ‘fix’ all items due to nested families or some modeling issue in Revit.

A message will then display to advise that analytical properties have been updated. These can later be swapped out for a different glass type.

If items could not be fixed, a message will display to advise that these elements should be reviewed in Revit.

Fixing missing properties in Revit will require a relaunch of the application (since there is no Refresh button available at this stage). You may also click on Continue Setup without fixing all glazing elements and later use the Glass Database in the application to assign glass types (the Refresh button will then be available and you will not have to restart the application). Note: where glazing elements do not have properties assigned, no results will display for these Surfaces until properties are defined.

You may click on Continue Setup to advance to the next stage. If you have not yet assigned glass types where they are missing, a message will advise and you may click Yes to open Assign Glass to resolve these elements. You may also click No and continue without resolving (these areas will not get results until glazing properties are applied however).

Note: If you have assigned a default glass using FenestraPro and then in Revit, change the glass type to None, the application will not update with this change as you have completed this stage. If you close and relaunch the application, the current model condition will then be updated (any outstanding glazed elements without properties will be listed).


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