14.1 Analyzing a Detailed Model

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This article provides a summary of analyzing a Detailed model.  Detailed guidance is provided in the related articles listed.

1. Open a detailed model in Revit.

2. FenestraPro, can check for thermal properties of model elements and advise if they are missing.  It can assign default glass types and simulate properties for Roofs, Floors and Walls for calculations to comply with Codes/Standards so if no properties have been assigned, you can still use the model.

Typically, thermal properties for building envelope elements (roofs, walls, floors, glazing) should be assigned in Revit by using the Edit Type/Type Properties tool in Revit.  Glazing should have Analytical Properties assigned for each glazing family to be analyzed.  Setting thermal properties for one glazing type will assign this to all instances of that type in the Revit project.  If the model is at an early design stage however, this work may not be done yet (to assign assembly layers, thicknesses and materials in Revit).  FenestraPro will allow you to use the model anyway and override or simulate values where needed.

Therefore, you may proceed to analyze the model even if these properties are not known or have not been assigned.

3.  The next check should be if an Energy Model generates successfully in Revit.  FenestraPro has access to Revit’s Energy Settings from within the application and you may use this to check the settings.  The application will also advise if the Energy Mode is set incorrectly.

Critical settings include the Energy Mode, Phase, Ground Plane and Perimeter Depth.  You may test if the Energy Model creates successfully by launching FenestraPro . It will request a new Energy Model from Revit and provide advice if this is unsuccessful or if a partial Energy Model is created (some areas of the model do not get energy spaces/surfaces).  You can also generate an Energy Model directly in Revit from the Analyze tab (1) – Create Energy Model (2).

If this is not successful, you may check for warnings under Revit’s Manage tab – Warnings.  There may be useful guidance here on what the issues may be.

FenestraPro also includes a Model Check tool which will include warnings for model issues and you can visualize where Energy Spaces and Surfaces are missing on the model.

Some issues such as element functions and gaps in the enclosure are more difficult to diagnose, advise on and know the designer’s intention.  There is more guidance here in Section 

4. Assuming that the Energy Model is successful in Revit, open FenestraPro from the Revit Menu. Select the option for Detailed Design.

5. If some glazing elements have not been assigned properties then the Assign Glass button will display.  Use this to assign a default glass temporarily. There is detailed guidance on this here in Section

6. Use the Model Check tool to review critical conditions in your model which may cause issues.  Warnings are displayed and you may also visualize problems as they are highlighted in the Model Viewer.  Thermal Properties may be defined using the application (without reverting to Revit) but currently you cannot ‘fix’ all Revit model issues from the application.  It is hoped to provide more support on this soon.  There is more advice and detail on the Model Check function in Section    There is also an article on Model Preparation here: Section 2.0.1

Depending on the complexity of the model, you may need to return to the Revit model several times to resolve issues and relaunch again to check if the Energy Model has improved and all relevant issues have been resolved.  Note: Only critical model issues are flagged in the application.  Other model issues which do not have a critical impact on energy analysis may not be listed.  It may also be possible to ignore some issues and continue without these affecting the results or impacting on analysis.

7. Once this is complete, you may advance to define an Energy Code, check compliance and get results in the Building Manager.  This is covered in Section 7.0.1

8. Once onboarding of the model is complete (checking for issues, assigning properties and getting results), move into the main window using the Let’s Start  button in the Building Manager.

9. From the main window you can get results on the entire model or for selected areas by making selections.  Selections can be made by hovering over areas on the model, using the Facades List, Charts or by selecting walls from the Revit model.  The results relate to the rooms/spaces behind the Surfaces indicated.  The Surfaces contribute to the Heat Gain and Daylight values displayed.  Results are also color coded so areas in red may need attention.  See Section 3.2.2 for details on the ranges used.

10. Glass Types may also be swapped out on the model for different types using the Glass Database.  Glass types with a different performance may increase or reduce Heat Gain and Daylight where needed.  Note: The Glass Database in the application must first be synced with Revit.  This will happen automatically the first time you use the application and a message will advise to restart Revit one time so that it can update.  There is more guidance on the Glass Database here in Section 7.3  You can also create custom assemblies from glass suppliers websites, import them to FenestraPro and use in the Revit model.  Glass products can also be suggested for you by inputting performance targets (Smart Surfaces feature)

11.  You may also generate glazing on the Revit model using performance targets.  This is available for both windows and curtain walls. More details can be found in Section 7.5 and Section 7.6

12. A Report (Snapshot) may be created if results need to be saved for review.  There are options for an Excel (Concept only) or HTML Report.  If modifications are made to the model and glazing is adjusted, a further Report may be created for comparison.  Reports are covered in more detail in Section 8.0.

13. Review Shading Effects on the model by opening the Shading Viewer.  A date may be chosen from the list or click on the Play button to view the sequence. The Shading Viewer is covered in more detail in Section 8.3.

14. Shading devices may be added to the detailed model such as generic shading families, mass objects as canopies/vertical fins or surrounding buildings which may have a shading effect.  The Solar Loads will need to be recalculated in the Building Manager (with the Shading Factors turned on) after these are added so that the effects can be included in the results.  This can be done using the Refresh button on the Dashboard as the application will identify that the model condition has changed.  Shading Effects are covered in Section 5.2.


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