3.2.2 Solar Load (BTU/ft2 hr or W/m2)

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The Solar Load value will display the heat from the sun being collected and contained per unit floor area of space.  Where multiple Surfaces/Façades are selected or where none are selected, the average value is displayed for all selected.  If a single Surface is selected, the value for that Surface is displayed.  If several Surfaces are selected which all feed into one space, the Heat Gain displayed is the cumulative value for all contributing Surfaces.  Multiple Surfaces related to different spaces will display an average value for the selections made.

Heat Gain is displayed per unit floor area (BTU/ ft2 F hr or W/m2).  FenestraPro uses color coded ranges to indicate values: red when overheating occurs, blue when underheating occurs, and green when optimum values are reached. The value in the dial will have a color indicating if it is within the recommended ranges, above or below (black = within range, blue = below range, red = above range).

Heat Gain Ranges used by the application (color coded)


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