7.3 Glass Database

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The Glass Database is a list of Glass Types and selected manufacturer’s products (with a range of properties) that may be assigned to glazed elements in the Revit model. The database may be filtered using the following categories: U-value, SHGC and VLT.  This will then provide a shortlist of suitable glass types from which you may choose.  These glass types may be substituted for existing glass types in the Revit modls.  Sample generic Glass Types and manufacturer’s products are listed with a wide range of properties.

The Glass Database area for assigning Glass Types to the model

The Glass Database may also be accessed from various locations within the application such as when Adding Windows or Curtain Walls, and defining Glass Specification in Conceptual models etc.

The following articles describe how to modify glazing types in your Revit model and there is a link to a tutorial below.


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