5.2.1 Surrounding Buildings

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Surrounding Buildings may be modeled as masses in both Mass Models and Detailed Models.  To include the shading effects of these, Calculate Shading Factors should be turned on before the Solar Loads are calculated in the Building Manager.  For updates on the progress of your calculations, leave the General Notifications tab open in the main window.  If Calculate Shading Factors are checked, the results will show the most shaded Facades in the project.

Note:  Mass objects contained in linked files also have Shading Effects in version 7.0 (older versions do not support).

Shading Results being calculated in Building Manager

For Mass models, if surrounding buildings are not modeled, the simulation feature is intended to be applied once a single Facade is selected (not separate Surfaces on different planes or orientations).  This will only affect Daylight Results.  Please see Section for more details on the Shading Effects of Surrounding Buildings.


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