14.0 Detailed Model Workflow

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This will explain a workflow to successfully analyze a Detailed Revit model and the range of functions available.

It is good practice to follow a sequence for initial model preparation if this the first time you are analyzing a model.  Model Preparation guidelines can be found here in Section 2.0.1 You may generate the Energy Model in Revit if you wish to review any model warnings before opening FenestraPro.  If the Energy Model creates successfully, then you may proceed to open the application.  To do this under the Analyze tab (1), click on the Create Energy Model button (2).

If there are issue with the Energy Model in Revit (if the model is not getting energy spaces or surfaces for all areas), there are guidelines to assist in resolving here: Section

Energy Model in Revit showing Analytical Surfaces on the model

Under the Manage tab (1) Revit may provide a list of warnings to review (2) (some may not be critical for Energy Analysis).

If the Energy Model in Revit is having issues generating successfully, review model issues first before using the application.  The Model Check Tool in the application may also be used to assist in identifying and resolving any model issues.


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