9.0.3 Detailed Model

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Detailed Model Settings

Settings may be accessed on the left hand side of the main window after you onboard your model.

A new window will open with settings options.  You may need to scroll down to view all options.

There are settings if you want the application to Always stay on top of Revit or not.

You may also choose to log minimal events or if you are having issues, you may turn on Complete Logging to get more details. You may need to restart the application after changing settings for this to take effect.

Convert Units

There are options to convert the output from imperial to metric units or vice versa under Application Settings. You will need to restart the application but you may choose Continue on the launch window (without a new energy model).  There are also settings for bounding box tolerance if there are modeling issues and the surfaces are not fully displaying or getting complete areas.  There is also a setting for Minimum Render Count which may help if very complex models take a long time to display in the Viewer.

Contact Us

You may also send a message to the FenestraPro Support Team if you are having issues. Under Maintenance, click on Send Report.   This will send an email to the support team with the log files of recent events that will help to diagnose the issue.  You may also include a description if you wish.

There is also a button to Clear Cache files if required. You may be advised to do this by the Support Team.  These are stored settings from recent project activity (glass types used, where windows or curtain walls have been added, reports saved, results etc).  Sometimes it may help to delete these if your results are not changing as expected.

There is also a setting to automatically adjust orientations in Revit 2023 (if they seem to be incorrect in Revit).  This is set by default and should not require adjustment.  If you find that orientations in the application are not correct,  you may make adjustments here (method of adjustment and tolerance).


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