7.1 Performance

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The Performance Manager for Detailed models can be found under the Compliance tab and is divided into two parts;

1. Select an Energy Code

2. Check compliance of existing model elements

Detailed Revit models have element families for the building envelope (roofs, floors, walls and glazing).  These may be assigned thermal properties in Revit and these values will display in the application.  These values are compared to the selected Energy Code that has been defined in the previous stage and compliance or non-compliance is indicated.  If values have not been assigned or the element assembly not defined with materials and thicknesses, you may override existing values by applying the selected Energy Code targets (as intended goals).  You can always return to this area later to revise values.  Thermal values for walls and glazing are used to calculate Facade Performance on the Dashboard.

Note: If there are several types of elements in the model with different thermal properties (eg. different roof types), the average value for all types in the model will be displayed.  Similarly for floors, walls and glazing elements, a weighted average of all families (based on area) will be displayed.  Thermal properties may also be assigned to elements by using Edit Type in Revit to adjust the assembly and materials.

Element values will be compared to values set in the selected Energy Code and whether the existing thermal properties comply or not will be indicated.  Values will display a red X if they are non-compliant and a green check-mark if they are compliant.

Glazing Percentage on the Dashboard display the actual Glass to Wall ratio in the model.  It is not possible to override this value without changing the actual area of the glazing in the model (add or delete glazed elements to the model). Glazing without properties should also be included in the total glazed area on the Dashboard since the material properties are read (as long as the glazed element has transparency).

Imperial Models will have properties in R-values for solid elements (roofs, floors and walls) and imperial U-values for glazing elements.  Metric models will use metric U-values for all properties.  It is not necessary to set units as these will be read automatically from the Revit model.

For glazing, a glazing type may be chosen from the list in Revit or the Glass Database may be used in the application to select a glazing type and assign to the selected Surface or element (window or curtain panel). Please see Section 7.3 below for details on using the Glass Database.


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