Core Offset for Mass Models

There is a known issue in metric models if the Perimeter Zone is adjusted in Revit’s Energy Settings before the application opens or while FenestraPro is open. This may interfere with the Core Offset (Perimeter Zone Depth) function’s ability to update the Dashboard. Saving the model and restarting Revit does not resolve this issue.

Adjustments should be done from within the application for Core Offset. This value will also update in Revit’s Energy Settings. Modifying the value will affect the Solar Loads and Daylight results on the Dashboard since the Heat Gain or Daylight will be more concentrated in the space or more dispersed.

A smaller value for Core Offset/Perimeter Zone will produce higher results as the Heat Gain and Daylight will be contained in a smaller area.

A higher value for Core Offset/Perimeter Zone will produce lower results as the Heat Gain and Daylight are spread over a larger Floor Plan.

Starting with a perimeter zone value in Revit’s Energy Setting of other than the standard 6 metres, may prevent the function updating the Dashboard results. Ensure that the starting value in the Energy Settings is 6 metres. Modifying the value in Revit’s Energy Settings may also disrupt the function so that it will not update the Dashboard. There are also maximum and minimum values accepted for the input box (Minimum 1.5 metres, Maximum 8 metres). Values that are outside these ranges will default to 6 metres. Excessive values (eg. 20 metres) entered for the Perimeter Zone in the Energy Settings will not be corrected by the application and will remain at this value.

There do not appear to be any issues for imperial models. The Concept Tool is currently being developed to upgrade user interface and improve options (September 2023).


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