12.0.1 Create a Conceptual Mass

2 minutesread

There is an option to create a Conceptual Mass model in Revit from the outline of your detailed project.

When to use this option?

  • Your project has multiple modelling issues (gaps between elements, missing thermal properties etc) which would take time to resolve
  • Model is slow to process (large file file/complex/with many elements)
  • Model is giving multiple warnings in Revit which will take time to resolve (under Manage Tab – Warnings)
  1. Use the Project Enclosure as an outline for creating a conceptual mass (worksets may be used  to separate and control visibility of element categories such as ‘Enclosure’, ‘Mass’ etc)
  2. Create a simple Conceptual Mass within the envelope model using the detailed elements (curves on a project may be faceted).
  3. Create Floors level by level to ensure best control over separate Surfaces
  4. Create Mass Floors from Levels / Check Energy Settings
  5. Analyse this mass object with FenestraPro

Note: Creating an open plan conceptual model may not provide the accuracy you require at a more advanced stage. In this case, you may need to model the mass room by room which will more closely represent the detailed model.

Enclosure Model may be used as an outline to create a Mass in Revit
Create a Mass in Revit
Analyze the Mass model with FenestraPro


2 minutesread

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