10.0 Charts

6 minutesread

Detailed Models

In the Detailed Tool, the Charts reside under the Glass Database.  Charts display for Glazing Percentage, Heat Gain, Daylighting.  Shading Percentage Charts will also display (if included in the Building Manager before calculating results).

The highlighting color on Surfaces in the Model Viewer will depend on the active Chart :

  • the Glazing Chart will create blue highlights
  • the Heat Gain Charts will create highlights in blue/green or red
  • Daylighting Charts will create highlights of yellow or grey
  • Shading Charts will create grey highlights
Glazing Charts display the percentage of the Surface which is glazed
Heat Gain Charts indicate the surfaces creating these values in the rooms or spaces behind
Daylighting colors highlight on the model if this Chart is active
Once Calculate Shading is turned on in the Building Manager, Shading Charts will also display (most shaded surfaces)

You may also make selections on the model using the Charts.  You may select into a Facade and all Surfaces within this Facade are displayed.  You may then select one single Surface.  It is not possible to select random multiple Surfaces using the Charts (you may do this on the model itself or using the Facade Navigator).  Selections and Roll Up (reversing back out) is available for all Charts.  You may also select areas on the Revit model itself (external walls) and related Facades/Surfaces will get selected in the application.  Selecting from the Revit model is only available for detailed models (not conceptual mass models).  No matter which method is used to make selections, all methods will update to be consistent (Charts, Facades List and Model Viewer).

Selecting a single Surface will display monthly values for that Surface

There are controls provide in the Charts area to toggle between Average and Peak values and to ‘roll up’ which will reverse out of selections made back to all Facades on the model.

Roll Up button to reverse back out from a single Surface (or all Surfaces on a Facade) to all Facades
Average or Peak values toggle button

You may also right click on the bars in the Chart and select a display style (Smooth or Separate Colors) or sort by ascending to descending values etc.

Right Click on Charts bars to select display styles and sorting options if required

Conceptual Models

Charts may be opened by clicking on the arrow shown on the Dashboard.  The arrow will turn when the Charts are open.  The same arrow may be used to hide the Charts again.

The first Chart that displays is the Glazing Chart (glazed percentages on each Facade). There are tabs for other Charts also.

Expand the Charts using the arrow on the Dashboard

The Charts may also be undocked from the main window and dragged away by dragging on the blue header for Charts away from the main window.

This allows the Charts to be detached from the main window, which may be useful for viewing details of Surfaces and Façades in larger models or for collapsing the main window and providing a larger screen area to view or work on the Revit model.  Moving the Chart close to the main window will redock or you may use the chain symbol in the top right corner to redock the Charts window.

Undocking the Charts

The undocked Chart window may also be resized by dragging the lower right corner of the Charts window.

Resize the Charts by clicking on and dragging the corner

The Charts will display relevant information for the Surface(s) or Façade(s) currently selected.  Clicking on a bar on the graph will provide more detail on the Percentage Glazing/Solar Load/Daylighting for that Surface or Façade.  To navigate back to a graph displaying all Facades, click the blue arrow in the top right corner.  This will return you to the overall Chart.


You may make selections from the Chart itself or from the Facades/Surfaces list in the Facade Navigator.  This will define what is displayed in the Charts.

1. When no Facades or Surfaces are selected, the Charts display results for all Facades.

Charts display is based on selections made in the Façades List

2. When all Façades are selected, the Charts display all Surfaces within the Facades.  The Select All button may be used in the Surfaces List. Highlight colors will depend on the current active Chart.

When All Facades are selected, Charts display all Surfaces

3.  When a single Façade is selected, the Surfaces within that Façade will display in the Chart.

Surfaces/Facades selected in the list will display in the Charts

4.  If two or more Facades are selected, all Surfaces on both are displayed.

Two or more Facades selected will display all relevant Surfaces

5.  When an individual Surface is clicked on, the chart will display that Surface only. If multiple Surfaces are selected, the Charts will display each and the Dashboard will show a weighted average result for all selections.

Multiple Surfaces once selected, results display for each

6.  If a single Surface is selected, the monthly values are displayed in the Solar Chart

Monthly values display when a single Surface is selected

Selections are made first from All Facades – to one Facade – to a single Surface.  You may then reverse out back to All Facades by clicking on the Roll Up arrow provided.  Other buttons such as the Peak / Average toggle button for Solar Charts and Charts for Shading Guidance are explained in the articles below.  Guidance Notes are provided for each Chart by clicking on the question mark icon.

Roll-up arrow to go back to All Facades
Display Styles

By right clicking on any bar on the Chart, the display style can be set.  Choose between Separate Colors or Smooth Mode (which creates a gradient between the ranges).  The Chart results may also be sorted by ascending or descending values to display the Charts in order of highest or lowest value.

Right click on any bar in the Chart to get display style options

Go to item provides an option to sort through the list to find a specific Surface or Façade by typing in the name as it is displayed in the list eg Surface 5, Façade 10 (this will not select this Surface alone however, only move the list up or down so that this Surface is displayed).  The Chart list may also be sorted by ascending or descending values.  These settings may be used with all categories, Glazing, Solar Load, Daylighting and Shading.

Charts may be sorted by values displayed

Colored highlighting on the model occurs when each Surface is selected to indicate location and the current condition depending on the Chart category chosen eg. If Solar Load Charts are selected – highlighting on the model will show red, green or blue depending on overheating, optimum or under-heating.  If the Daylighting Charts are selected, the colour will be yellow or gray depending on the amount of daylight received.

Note: you may not see highlighting on the model unless the Charts have been opened the first time since highlighting is connected to the Chart selected.  The Charts may then be hidden and different Surfaces selected if you wish, the highlighting will continue and move to different Surfaces/Facades.


6 minutesread

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